
Skin Yard part 2

Third Skin Yard album, Fist Sized Chunks

The third album of Skin Yard was released in the spring of 1990 through Cruz Records under the name "Fist Sized Chunks".

The roster was composed by vocals Ben McMillan, guitars Jack Endino and Helios Creed, bassist Daniel House and drummer Scott McCullum or Norman Scott.

Once the album was on the market, the McCullum left the band later and Barrett Martin joined Skin Yard.

Between the previous album and the next one, there was a little hiatus. During that period Jack Endino improved his legend and producer working with Nirvana and Mudhoney.

Daniel House worked as sales manager for Sub Pop and owned the record label C/Z Records, which was created by Chris Hanszek and Tina Casale
Fourth Skin Yard album, 1000 Smiling Knuckles

With Barrett Martin on the lineup of Skin Yard, the band releaed "1000 Smiling Knuckles" over Cruz Records on August 6th, 1991.

Jack Endino was involved in the production and engineering.

Jim Blanchard woked on the artwork side.

The album was released and it is considered one of the best from Skin Yard. Then another output occured, Daniel House (bass player) left the lineup and was replaced by Pat Pedersen.

Fifth Skin Yard album, Inside the Eye
The last studio album released by Skin Yard was released in 1993 over Cruz Records. It was called "Inside the Eye".

Just Ben McMillan (vocals) and Jack Endino (guitar) persisted from the original formation.

On the drumms was Barrett Martin and playing the bass Pat Pedersen.

Jim Blanchard woked on the artwork side once again.

Mick Jagger and Keith Richards composed with Jack Endino a track, "Miss You".

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