
Listen to Dan Peters special Show

We have prepared a special radio show regarding Dan Peters.

Hope you enjoy it.

You can also download the show if you prefer here

We did a long way back through 80s and 90s, his great career deserved this special show.

Dan Peters started playing in Bundle of Hiss and Feast.

He plays in Mudhoney, was part of Nirvana, Screaming Trees, Love Battery and so on.

Moreover, he founded Valis as well, and played in other projects like Mark Lanegan or Steve Turner albums.

These following band are included on the show:

1 Bundle of Hiss

2 Feast

3 Nirvana

4 Screaming Trees

5 Mudhoney

6 Mark Lanegan

7 The Fastbacks

7 Love Battery

9 Valis

10 Steve Turner

11 Mudhoney

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