
The Melvins part 3

Seventh Melvins album, Stoner Witch

The seventh studio album of The Melvins was named "Stoner Witch". Atlantic Records released it on October 18, 1994.

The band lineup was formed by: Buzz Osborne, Dale Crover and Mark Deutrom. Deutrom had been their producer and became a member aswell.

The production was made by the band and Garth Richardson.

Eighth Melvins album, Stag

The next album was "Stag". The Melvins released this studio album through Atlantic Records on July 15, 1996.

The record label decided to not follow with the band, Stag was the last album with Atlantic Records.

It was released maybe during the meanwhile the grunge scene got a overall decline. Anyway The Melvins did not stop their career and could carry on.

Ninth Melvins album, Honky

Then came up the ninth album, "Honky" was released by Amphetamine Reptile Records on May 5, 1997.

This album broke with the last ones, not only because The Melvins were not with Atlantic Records anymore, but moreover they played it searching a different sound, and the result was an experimental work.

This was the last album with Mark Deutrom as bassist.

Go to part 1

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